We are committed to delivering a high-quality service based on person-centred supports and continuous improvement. We welcome any feedback and concerns.
Our clients are at the heart of everything we do and as such Indigo is committed to delivering a quality service based on a strong understanding of individual customer needs.
As part of our commitment to person-centred supports and continuous quality improvement we welcome and encourage feedback both positive and negative.
Sending your feedback
You can request that your feedback be kept confidential and your identity will be protected, however if you wish to remain anonymous the feedback will be acted on to the extent possible based on the information provided.
Other ways you are welcome to provide feedback include:
- Contact us on (08) 9381 0600
- Email: feedback@indigo.org.au
- Write to us: Quality & Risk Professional, Indigo, 'The Niche' Suite A, 11 Aberdare Rd, Nedlands WA 6009
Your feedback can be anonymous, however, in an effort to achieve a workable solution for you, ideally you will include:
- Your name, address and phone number
- The date you are lodging your complaint or feedback
- Specific details relating to your complaint or feedback
- Where known, the name of the service your complaint or feedback relates to
- The name of the person who received the service that your complaint or feedback is about
Assistance and feedback via advocacy organisations:
- To find out more about connecting with an aged care advocate, you can visit the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) website
- If you have a disability, you can also find someone to help you through the National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP).
- If you raise a matter with us and are not satisfied with our response, you are welcome to contact the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission if you are receiving government funded aged care services. For more information visit: Complaints & concerns | Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
- If you are receiving NDIS funded services, you can raise any complaints or concerns with the National Disability Insurance Scheme Quality and Safeguards Commission. For more information visit: Complaints | NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
If you need an interpreter, you can ask us to arrange one when you call.
Alternatively, you can contact the service below and ask them to help contact us on (08) 9381 0600:
National Relay Service
If you are hearing or speech impaired contact us through the National Relay Service:
- TTY users: phone 133 677 - ask for the phone number you wish to connect
- Voice Relay number: 1300 555 727 - give the user's phone number
- SMS Relay Number: 0423 677 767 - with information on who you want to call and the message for the other person
- Internet relay users: connect to the National Relay Service
Charter of Aged Care Rights
In July 2019, a new Charter of Aged Care Rights came into effect. It replaced previous charters of care recipients' rights and responsibilities. The charter provides the same rights to all consumers, regardless of the type of Australian Government funded aged care and services they may receive.
The charter outlines consumers' rights, including the right to dignity and respect, the right to exercise choice and independence, including making decisions about their own care and the way care and services are delivered to enable consumers to live the life they choose.
This resource is available in 18 different languages: Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Dutch, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Macedonian, Maltese, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Access translated versions here.