Indigo recently underwent a comprehensive quality audit conducted by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission on 14th and 15th May. The audit, which took place at our Nedlands office, involved in-depth interviews with staff and clients to ensure compliance with the Aged Care Quality Standards.
Consumers and representatives confirmed consumers are treated with respect and described staff as being kind and respectful.
The initial feedback from the auditors highlighted the exceptional skill set of our staff, their dedication to delivering high-quality care services, and adherence to our established policies. The formal report, received on June 16th, reinforced this positive feedback, with no areas of concern identified.
The audit assessed various aged care standards including consumer dignity and choice, ongoing assessment and planning, personal care and clinical care, services and supports for daily living, feedback and complaints handling, human resources, and organisational governance. We are pleased to report that Indigo was found compliant across all assessed standards, reflecting our commitment to continuous improvement and quality care.
Indigo would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated staff for their hard work and cooperation during the audit process.
Consumers confirmed they are supported to go out into the community and remain in their homes to spend quality time with family members.
We acknowledge the ongoing hard work of all our staff members in delivering exceptional service and maintaining the required support systems. Their professionalism and commitment are the cornerstones of our success
For more details on the audit and to read the full performance report, visit the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission's website. Indigo Care Services Australasia 500272 | Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission