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Our Board and Management

Meet Indigo’s Board and Management Teams, who come from diverse backgrounds and sectors and offer a wealth of experience and expertise.

Our Board

Our Board members ensure that Indigo is operating according to the best governance, financial, legal, and ethical practices, and that decisions align with Indigo’s strategic plan, industry practices and obligations, and with our clients’ best interests at heart. 

Wayne Stone


Wayne Belcher

Deputy Chairperson

Kunal Malhotra


Evan Salt


Ian Sloan

Board Member

Irene Mooney

Board Member

Wes Smith

Board Member

Claire Cooke

Board Member

Our Executive and Management

Our Executive and Management teams work together to ensure that day to day operations and performance is in line with our values and goals. Reporting to our Chief Executive Officer, they implement actions under our strategic plan and are responsible for the operational decisions that guide our practice and performance.  

Steve Glew

Chief Executive Officer

Peter Byrne

Chief Operating Officer

Joanne Lister

Principal Advisor Aged Care

Bernadette Mitchell-Armstrong

Business Development and Sales Manager

Mary Ma

Finance Manager and Business Partner

Vilko Poznovia

Digital Services and ICT Manager

Susan Brooks

Allied Health Services Manager

Kate Murray

Marketing and Communications Manager

Lisa Karabin

People and Culture Manager

Karen Dorlandt

Goods, Equipment, and Assistive Technology Program Manager

Caroline Eaton

Clinical Excellence Manager